A ticket for a show


Enjoy the Friday show featuring 26 dancers, dance groups, and 32 dance performances (yes, it will be long :D).

Guests: Julia Farid, Yalia, Badriyah, Sheyla (also teaching seminars)

Additionally, the show will feature not only established names in the dance scene but also new dancers (in alphabetical order):
Adéla Kubienová, Al Fayyum Reunion, Alisea, Andalee, Aneta Barcuchová, Anna Zemanovičová, Anniya, Aphrodisia Dance Company, Daima dancers, David Katolický, Eglal, Eliška Jeřábková, Heňa, Jannah, Kristýna Kadlecová, Lucia, Nikola Zhangová, Orientalico, Patrice, Shaari, Shams, Vailah

79 in stock



There are no seats with numbers, but the venue is small, so you’ll have a good view from anywhere you end up sitting.


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