online courses and film

e-learn with me

Online lectures, courses and film

I am bringing my most popular Egyptian folklore online courses, online lectures and my documentary film about Egyptian folklore called Funoon Shaabeya here ONLINE. For you to take it and watch ANYTIME you like!


A documentary about Egyptian traditional music and dance


[Funoon Shaabeya] is a film documenting Egyptian traditional dance and music throughout the many regions in one of the world’s most fascinating places. From original settings to regional troupes. What folklore means to Egyptians and how it has shaped their culture. Today in modern Egypt we still see evidence of its vast past through tradition, folklore and it’s people which will be highlighted in the documentary I’m producing [Funoon Shaabeya].

1h 45min long, subtitles available in English/Czech

Interviews and shows by artists:
Khyria Mazin, Hany Morgan, Hoda Sombati, Zakariya Ibrahim, Madiha Om Sameh, Ahmed Ashry, Hassan Al Geretly, Megahed Kinawe, Mustafa and Ahmed, Ali El Guindy, Galal Meseed, Ibrahim Bardiss, Mahmoud, Adel, Omran, Moussa Mamdouh, Mustafa, Mahmoud Hamdi, Ali Abdalah, Mahmoud Aboudoma, Nada, Yasmina, Ro’a, Rania, Nada, Maryam, Asma.


Price: 15 USD
45 days unlimited access to stream

free excerpt from the class

Watch the sample from the Egyptian folklore class NOW


Recordings of my “masterclass” about folklore


For everyone wanting to learn about Egyptian folklore – dances, music, traditions, theatrical troupes, first researchers, history and actual state of folklore in Egypt.

Subjects: Tahtib, Saidi, Raqs al Assaya, Nizzawi, Raqs al Khayl, Mermah, El Kaf, Badawi, Amazigh, Bambouti, Melaya, Alexandrian dance, Hagala, Dahiya, Fellahi, Nubian culture, Al Hinna, Nakrazan, Raqs al Arousa, Hammama, Ghawazee… different dances, ethnical groups, customs of Egypt etc.

Character dance troupes and its work, first researchers, creating choreography of Egyptian folklore etc.

This course was organized as virtual live event and you can now attend at your on pace by watching recordings and materials!

There are “homeworks” included to try out  music or video analysis, text reading with abstracts, finding sources etc.

8 lectures covering main subjects:
UPPER EGYPT – tahtib, saidi, assaya, nizawi, mermah, el kaf…
UPPER EGYPT 2 – ghawazee (also touch of Lower Egypt ghawazee)
UPPER EGYPT 3 – Nubian dances (aragid, raqs al arousa…) and Southern dessert
Theatrical folklore – National and regional groups o Egypt, their role, history and why they are problematic
Egyptian folklore researchers and their work
LOWER EGYPT and Suez area – Alexandrian dance, Melaya, Bambouteya, Sohba (Raqs el sikyin), Suez area
Bedouin and amazigh music and dances in Egypt and their cross-influence
Fellahi and life in countryside vs. desserts vs. cities, social dance and classes
Egyptian traditional music – how to learn to recognize it

Theory or practise?

This course is focused on THEORY and research in Egyptian folklore.

Beside lectures you will get many EXTRA materials in form of external links to videos, articlets, research – it is upto you how much you want to dive in.

(Materials are public links not owned by me, some videos disappear from time to time so some links might not work forever)


Price: 89 USD
Anytime, anywhere – unlimited access as long as this course exists.


Download this workshop to your device forever


In this workshop, we will discuss some important facts about dancing the folklore of different cultures and how to approach it with respect. We will demonstrate this primarily through combinations of popular styles – raqs sharqi, baladi, and saidi. Download the workshop, which has already been enjoyed by many dancers and is one of my favorite to teach! The seminar is suitable for all levels, including those who are just beginning to explore folklore.

– theory lecture 30 min
– dance practise 90 min
– Spotify playlist just for this class
– lecture PDF
– links to extra materials to study

Price: 45 USD
Download to your device and keep the workshop FOREVER


(Part of The Bellydance Bundle 2023)